Thursday, 27 May 2010

The discarded

A cabinet of curios

year 3 materials project

Through the weeks prior to the day, children made a collection of different materials and categorised them, discussing reasons for categories linked to their properties.

Strength, flexibility, hardness, potential use, suitability for task

They started a collection of mystery objects/ materials from home, perhaps things that are no longer fit for their purpose; the discarded, fragments from broken toys, old clothes, buttons any thing that used to have a use.

Children went on collecting walk to find the discarded, noting materials and categorising.

· An archaeological dig in school grounds

· The collection of materials and objects were frozen in plaster slabs, labelled and incorporated into museum cabinet.

· Poetry was written on the surface of the cabinet; a mixture of hand written and collaged text took journey around the exterior of the cabinet.

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