Thursday, 27 May 2010

The discarded

A cabinet of curios

year 3 materials project

Through the weeks prior to the day, children made a collection of different materials and categorised them, discussing reasons for categories linked to their properties.

Strength, flexibility, hardness, potential use, suitability for task

They started a collection of mystery objects/ materials from home, perhaps things that are no longer fit for their purpose; the discarded, fragments from broken toys, old clothes, buttons any thing that used to have a use.

Children went on collecting walk to find the discarded, noting materials and categorising.

· An archaeological dig in school grounds

· The collection of materials and objects were frozen in plaster slabs, labelled and incorporated into museum cabinet.

· Poetry was written on the surface of the cabinet; a mixture of hand written and collaged text took journey around the exterior of the cabinet.

british museum event forthcoming

spring grove primary work makes the news

Thursday, 13 May 2010

some questions

How do you make it? Is it a skeleton? What’s inside? Is it a dinosaur? What’s it called? Is it full of treasure? Can a mouse live in it? Where does it come from? Is it a feather pen? How can you wear it? Who’s in the photo? Who will know the answer? What is it? Where is it from? What is in the box? Is it a deadly crocodile? Can you open it? Is it a real bone? Is it wooden? Does it make a sound? I’ve seen it at home but forgot.
Can you wear them? Where do you get that from? Is it heavy? How old is it? Is it smelly? Why have you got it? Is that a map? Is it special? Can I look inside? How do you open it? Look at this I can hear something.
This looks nice. It is so old. It looks like a marble. It shines. How does it feel? A dragon’s skull! A question book? Were there wheels a long time ago? Where did you get these things from?
Did you buy it from a shop? What colour is it? Is it wood or soft? What shape is it? Is it an animal?
What is it about? Have you been there? Did you go to your grandmas? House and did she give it to you? What’s that called? How much did it cost? How do you spell Dubai? How does it work? Where did you find it? Did you put that collar on? Who made that doll? Are these people? It doesn’t make sense.
Is it a diary? Did you find it or make it? Who’s that? Who are these people? How do you close it? Is it from another country? Who are all the other people? Does it bite? How fast can you go? Are you the champion? Are you telling the truth? Is it real? Is that your family? Are they Victorian? Which way is it? A different language. How long have you had it? Why is it orange inside?