Saturday, 7 January 2012

swimming against the tide

All that is wrong with art education

My part in this book was to challenge and question prior notions of a sketchbook. I am interested in developing the book as a learning journal, a playground for ideas, a reflective and relevant space for all. 

The book is not interested in developing drawing skills, and why should it be?

 I am interested in developing curious, questioning and hungry minds that love learning and using an ideas book is a key stone of my belief.

here is a quote from a customer review from Amazon

The content is focused on (in my humble opinion) all that is wrong with art education. It does not encourage good observational drawing and developing strong skills, but rather cobbling together a bit of self expression. The book is heavily focused on teaching, particularly younger students and children, but not what I had hoped or expected. Many of the images are scribbles by very young children and only one or two skillful sketches.
There are a number of really good books focused on developing sketchbook skills. Sadly most are, as usual, from the US as UK focused art books still shy away from art being taught with the emphasis on solid foundations of drawing, with style developing later when skill is achieved